Titel (eng)

Differentially expressed transcripts of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae (Cnidaria) between carrier and dead-end hosts involved in key biological processes: novel insights from a coupled approach of FACS and RNA sequencing


Saloni Shivam   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna / Karwar Regional Station of Indian Council of Agricultural Research

Gokhlesh Kumar   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Mansour El-Matbouli   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna / Badr University in Cairo

Reinhard Ertl   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Veronika Sexl   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna



Beschreibung (eng)

Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is a malacosporean endoparasite that infects a wide range of salmonids and causes proliferative kidney disease (PKD). Brown trout serves as a carrier host whereas rainbow trout represents a dead-end host. We thus asked if the parasite adapts to the different hosts by changing molecular mechanisms. We used fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS) to isolate parasites from the kidney of brown trout and rainbow trout following experimental infection with T. bryosalmonae. The sorted parasite cells were then subjected to RNA sequencing. By this approach, we identified 1120 parasite transcripts that were expressed differentially in parasites derived from brown trout and rainbow trout. We found elevated levels of transcripts related to cytoskeleton organisation, cell polarity, peptidyl-serine phosphorylation in parasites sorted from brown trout. In contrast, transcripts related to translation, ribonucleoprotein complex biogenesis and subunit organisation, non-membrane bounded organelle assembly, regulation of protein catabolic process and protein refolding were upregulated in rainbow trout-derived parasites. These findings show distinct molecular adaptations of parasites, which may underlie their distinct outcomes in the two hosts. Moreover, the identification of these differentially expressed transcripts may enable the identification of novel drug targets that may be exploited as treatment against T. bryosalmonae. We here also describe for the first time how FACS based isolation of T. bryosalmonae cells from infected kidney of fish fosters research and allows to define differentially expressed parasite transcripts in carrier and dead-end fish hosts.

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Animals; Cnidaria; Kidney Diseasesparasitologyveterinary; Myxozoagenetics; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Biological Phenomena; Sequence Analysis, RNAveterinary; Fish Diseasesparasitology; Parasitic Diseases, Animalparasitology

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