Browse collection

Titel (deu)

Masterarbeiten / Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien

Titel (eng)

Master theses / University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna


  Universitätsbibliothek (Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien)

Beschreibung (deu)

Diese Sammlung beinhaltet die elektronischen Volltexte der ab dem Studienjahr 2019/2020 verfassten Masterarbeiten an der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien.

Nachweise aller an der Universität verfassten Hochschulschriften (teilweise inklusive Zugang zu den elektronischen Volltexten) finden Sie in unserer Bibliothekssuchmaschine (

Beschreibung (eng)

This collection contains the full texts of Master theses submitted at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna from the year 2019 and onwards.

To gain access to all submitted theses (partly full texts) please consult our library catalogue (

Sprache des Objekts



Folgende Objekte beziehen sich auf dieses Objekt (1)

o:72 Hochschulschriften / Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien

Mitglieder dieser Collection (68)

o:885 Investigation of the link between inflammation and cancer in prostate tissue using multi marker histology
o:853 Telomere dynamics in naked mole-rats
o:852 Altered hemostatic potential and autoantibody-induced platelet desialylation in adults with primary immune thrombocytopenia
o:851 Sequential learning in kea (Nestor notabilis)
o:850 Tickled Pink? : the effect of positive human contact on pigs‘ judgement biases
o:2544 Understanding brachyury genetics and developing strategies to target brachyury in chordoma
o:2536 Emergence of terbinafine and azole resistance in dermatophytes : Prevalence in Austria and resistance mechanisms
o:2535 Coronavirus induced changes in mouse pathophysiology
o:2534 The role of the DEAD box RNA helicase DDX6 in normal and malignant hematopoiesis
o:2533 The role of STAT5B in megakaryocyte differentiation
o:2532 Impact of transplanting LSK Cells with a CRISPR/Cas9 induced EVI2A KO into mice
o:2523 Deciphering the role of STAT1 signaling in myeloid cells in extramedullary erythropoiesis and megakaryopoiesis during murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection
o:2522 γδ T cells in allergy and the cross-talk with obesity and oral tolerance development
o:2521 Investigating batch effects in the use of a cooperative task in pigs (Sus scrofa)
o:2520 The human-animal-relationship between individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder and their assistance dogs : influence on the humans' quality of life as well as on the dogs' salivary cortisol levels

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