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Master theses

Titel (deu)



  Universitätsbibliothek (Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien)

Beschreibung (eng)

This collection contains the full texts of Master theses submitted at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna from the year 2019 and onwards.

To gain access to all submitted theses (partly full texts) please consult our library catalogue (

Beschreibung (deu)

Diese Sammlung beinhaltet die elektronischen Volltexte der ab dem Studienjahr 2019/2020 verfassten Masterarbeiten an der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien.

Nachweise aller an der Universität verfassten Hochschulschriften (teilweise inklusive Zugang zu den elektronischen Volltexten) finden Sie in unserer Bibliothekssuchmaschine (

Sprache des Objekts



Folgende Objekte beziehen sich auf dieses Objekt (1)

o:72 Hochschulschriften

Mitglieder dieser Collection (78)

o:885 Investigation of the link between inflammation and cancer in prostate tissue using multi marker histology
o:853 Telomere dynamics in naked mole-rats
o:852 Altered hemostatic potential and autoantibody-induced platelet desialylation in adults with primary immune thrombocytopenia
o:851 Sequential learning in kea (Nestor notabilis)
o:850 Tickled Pink? : the effect of positive human contact on pigs‘ judgement biases
o:3383 Assessing iron parameters in healthy non-atopic dogs and dogs with atopic dermatitis
o:3382 Prosociality in goats : Do goats use a food-giving see-saw apparatus to provide food to conspecifics?
o:3381 Can dogs generalize what they learned in a cooperative task to new human and conspecific partners?
o:3380 Circular peptide therapeutics for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
o:3373 Investigating the tumor microenvironment of liver metastases
o:3372 The influence of previous stroking and talking on heart rate, heart rate variability and salivary cortisol of heifers during an isolation test with and without the presence of a human
o:3370 Using temperature to discriminate in a two-choice task in kea (Nestor notabilis)
o:3369 Addressing pigs : a comparative study on pigs' selective sensitivity to human ostensive communication
o:3368 Shame and animal ethics : on moral shame’s critical functions regarding human-animal issues
o:3358 Does visitor behaviour in front of enclosures differ between captive dogs and wolves?

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