KMT2C methyltransferase domain regulated INK4A expression suppresses prostate cancer metastasis
Description (en)
Frequent truncation mutations of the histone lysine N-methyltransferase KMT2C have been detected by whole exome sequencing studies in various cancers, including malignancies of the prostate. However, the biological consequences of these alterations in prostate cancer have not yet been elucidated.To investigate the functional effects of these mutations, we deleted the C-terminal catalytic core motif of Kmt2c specifically in mouse prostate epithelium. We analysed the effect of Kmt2c SET domain deletion in a Pten-deficient PCa mouse model in vivo and of truncation mutations of KMT2C in a large number of prostate cancer patients.We show here for the first time that impaired KMT2C methyltransferase activity drives proliferation and PIN formation and, when combined with loss of the tumour suppressor PTEN, triggers loss of senescence, metastatic dissemination and dramatically reduces life expectancy. In Kmt2c-mutated tumours we show enrichment of proliferative MYC gene signatures and loss of expression of the cell cycle repressor p16INK4A. In addition, we observe a striking reduction in disease-free survival of patients with KMT2C-mutated prostate cancer.We identified truncating events of KMT2C as drivers of proliferation and PIN formation. Loss of PTEN and KMT2C in prostate cancer results in loss of senescence, metastatic dissemination and reduced life expectancy. Our data demonstrate the prognostic significance of KMT2C mutation status in prostate cancer patients. Inhibition of the MYC signalling axis may be a viable treatment option for patients with KMT2C truncations and therefore poor prognosis.
Keywords (en)
Pten Loss; R/Bioconductor Package; Androgen Receptor; Mouse Model; Myc; Signature; Progression; Activation; Senescence; Overexpression
Author of the digital object
Tanja  Limberger  (Medical University of Vienna / CBmed-Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine GmbH)
Lukas  Kenner  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna / Medical University of Vienna / CBmed-Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine GmbH)
Sabine  Lagger  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Gerda  Egger  (Medical University of Vienna / Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Applied Diagnostics)
Suzanne D.  Turner  (Cambridge University / Masaryk University)
Zoran  Culig  (Innsbruck Medical University)
Wolfgang  Wadsak  (CBmed-Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine GmbH / Medical University of Vienna)
Helmut  Dolznig  (Medical University of Vienna)
Sarka  Pospisilova  (Masaryk University)
Belinda S.  Schmalzbauer  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Monika  Oberhuber  (CBmed-Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine GmbH)
Heidi A.  Neubauer  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Anton  Jäger  (Medical University of Vienna)
Petra  Kodajova  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Margit  Schmeidl  (Medical University of Vienna)
Boris  Tichý  (Masaryk University)
Jan  Oppelt  (Masaryk University)
Vojtech  Bystry  (Masaryk University)
Christina  Sternberg  (University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna / Medical University of Vienna)
Sandra  Högler  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Jiaye  Yang  (Medical University of Vienna)
Ines  Garces de Los Fayos Alonso  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna / Medical University of Vienna)
Michaela  Schlederer  (Medical University of Vienna)
Karolina  Trachtová  (Masaryk University / Medical University of Vienna)
3.1 MB
Licence Selected
CC BY 4.0 International
Type of publication
Name of Publication (en)
Molecular Cancer
Pages or Volume
BioMed Central
Publication Date
Object type
24.07.2023 01:09:01
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