Characterization of the immune system of Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs - An important large animal model in experimental medicine
Description (en)
Interest in Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs (EGMs) as a model in experimental medicine is continuously growing. The aim of this project is to increase the knowledge of the immune system of EGMs as information is still scarce. Therefore, we studied the postnatal maturation of their immune system from birth until 126 weeks of age. For the first 26 weeks of the study, animals were kept under pathogen-reduced conditions (SPF) and afterwards under conventional housing conditions. The development of the immune system was analyzed by monitoring changes in total numbers of leukocytes and lymphocytes of ten individuals and the composition of leukocyte populations by multi-color flow cytometry (FCM). We followed the presence of monocytes using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against CD172a+ and CD163+ and B cells based on the expression of CD79a. NK cells were distinguished as CD3-CD16+CD8α+/dim cells and further subdivided using NKp46 (CD335) expression into NKp46-, NKp46+, and NKp46high NK cells. T-cell receptor (TCR) γδ T cells were defined by the expression of TCR-γδ and different subsets were determined by their CD2 and perforin expression. TCR-αβ T cells were classified by their CD8β+ or CD4 expression. For monitoring their differentiation, expression of CD27 and perforin was investigated for CD8β++ T cells and CD8α together with CD27 for CD4+ T cells. We clearly detected a postnatal development of immune cell composition and identified phenotypes indicative of differentiation within the respective leukocyte subsets. Examination of the development of the antigen-specific immune system after transfer to different distinct housing conditions and after vaccination against common porcine pathogens such as porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) revealed a markedly increased presence of more differentiated CD8+ and CD4+ T cells with central and effector memory T-cell phenotypes. To complement the findings, a PCV2 vaccine-specific antigen was used for in vitro restimulation experiments. We demonstrated antigen-specific proliferation of CD4+CD8α+CD27+ central and CD4+CD8α+CD27- effector memory T cells as well as antigen-specific production of TNF-α and IFN-γ. This study of postnatal immune development defines basic cellular immune parameters of EGMs and represents an important milestone for the use of EGMs for immunological questions in experimental medicine.
Keywords (en)
Delta T-Cells; Monoclonal-Antibodies; Natural-Killer; Lymphocyte Subsets; Reference Range; Cytotoxic-T; Porcine Nk; Expression; Blood; Swine
Author of the digital object
Clara P. S.  Pernold  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Armin  Saalmüller  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Spencer  Sawyer  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Vera  Martin  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Heinrich  Kreutzmann  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Sophie  Dürlinger  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Christian  Knecht  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Andrea  Ladinig  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Michael W  Schmitt  (Merck KGaA)
Sven  Jäckel  (Merck KGaA)
Kerstin H.  Mair  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Maria  Stadler  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Emil  Lagumdzic  (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
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CC BY 4.0 International
Type of publication
Name of Publication (en)
Frontiers in Immunology
Pages or Volume
Frontiers Media Sa
Publication Date
Object type
14.06.2023 08:16:56
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