Titel (eng)

Comparison of Antimicrobial Resistances in Escherichia coli from Conventionally and Organic Farmed Poultry from Germany


Mirjam Grobbel   German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

Bernd-Alois Tenhagen   German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

Annemarie Kaesbohrer   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna / German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

Alexandra Irrgang   German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

Katja Alt   German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

Jens A. Hammerl   German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment



Beschreibung (eng)

In this study, resistance rates in Escherichia coli from organic and conventional poultry in Germany were compared. Isolates were randomly collected from organic and conventional broiler and turkey flocks at the farm and from turkey meat at retail. Resistance testing was performed as prescribed by Commission implementing decision 2013/652/EU. Logistic regression analyses were performed for the resistance to the different antimicrobials. Overall, resistance rates for the antimicrobials tested were lower in E. coli from organic than from conventionally raised animals. In turkeys, the percentage of isolates susceptible to all antimicrobials tested from animals and meat was twice as high from organic than from conventional origin (~50% vs. <25%). In broilers, the percentage of susceptible isolates from organic farms was five times higher than from conventional farms (70.1% vs. 13.3%) and resistance to three or more classes of antimicrobials was 1.7- to 5.0-fold more common in isolates from conventional farms. The differences between organic and conventional farming were more pronounced in broilers than in turkeys. More studies on turkeys are needed to determine whether this difference is confirmed.

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antimicrobial resistance; broiler; turkey; organic farming; conventional farming

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o:605 Publikationen / Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien