Titel (eng)

Genetic distance from wolves affects family dogs' reactions towards howls


Fanni Lehoczki   Eötvös Loránd University

Tamás Faragó   Eötvös Loránd University

Simon W Townsend   University of Warwick / University of Zurich

Stuart K Watson   University of Zurich

Lori Schmidt   International Wolf Center

Vicente Palacios Sánchez   People and Nature

Friederike Range   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Holly Root-Gutteridge   University of Lincoln / University of Sussex

Daniela Passilongo   University of Sassari

Enikő Kubinyi   Eötvös Loránd University

Attila Andics   Eötvös Loránd University

Arik Kershenbaum   University of Cambridge


Springer Nature

Beschreibung (eng)

Domestication dramatically changes behaviour, including communication, as seen in the case of dogs (Canis familiaris) and wolves (Canis lupus). We tested the hypothesis that domestication may affect an ancient, shared communication form of canids, the howling which seems to have higher individual variation in dogs: the perception and usage of howls may be affected by the genetic relatedness of the breeds to their last common ancestor with wolves ('root distance') and by other individual features like age, sex, and reproductive status. We exposed 68 purebred dogs to wolf howl playbacks and recorded their responses. We identified an interaction between root distance and age on the dogs' vocal and behavioural responses: older dogs from more ancient breeds responded longer with howls and showed more stress behaviours. Our results suggest that domestication impacts vocal behaviour significantly: disintegrating howling, a central, species-specific communication form of canids and gradually eradicating it from dogs' repertoire.

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Canis-Lupus; Analyses Reveal; Gray Wolves; Domestication; Behavior; Breed; Communication; Aggression; Barking; Traits

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o:605 Publikationen / Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien