Titel (eng)

Canine babesiosis in Austria in the 21st century – A review of cases


Anja Joachim   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Michael Leschnik   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Hans-Peter Fuehrer   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Karin Bakran-Lebl   Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety

Maria Sophia Unterköfler   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Anja Strobl   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna



Beschreibung (eng)

A retrospective study on 699 cases of canine babesiosis presented to veterinary clinics in eastern Austria were evaluated for the location where infection had presumably taken place. Of these, 542 (77.54%) had acquired the infection in Austria, while the majority of non-autochthonous cases came from neighboring countries, most notable Hungary. Both groups were recorded primarily in Vienna, eastern Lower Austria and Burgenland, but cases from the southern (Styria, Carinthia) and western (Upper Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg) provinces of the country were also recorded. Records were made all year round, with most cases in spring (46.6%) and fall (48.4%). The annual cases ranged from four to 58 (mean: 31.8) with large fluctuations and no visible trend for an in- or decrease. The tick vector of Babesia canis, Dermacentor reticulatus, is present in Austria but displays a very patchy distribution, and its occurrence and activity are not readily foretold, which might be a reason why its presumably increasing density in Europe is not reflected by increased incidences of canine babesiosis. Another factor that may influence the numbers of cases per year could be the application (or non-application) of acaricidal or repellent compounds. A limitation of this study is that bias is exerted by the location of the participating clinics, and by the unknown rate of infections that does not induce clinical symptoms and is likely not presented in veterinary practices and clinics. The data, however, clearly show that at least the lowlands of Austria are endemic for B. canis, and appropriate tick control must be advised all year round.

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Vector-Borne Pathogens; Dermacentor-Reticulatus; Molecular-Detection; Anaplasma-Phagocytophilum; Dogs; Hungary; Eastern; Ticks; Identification; Transmission

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o:605 Publikationen / Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien