Titel (eng)

Are Adaptation Measures Used to Alleviate Heat Stress Appropriate to Reduce Ammonia Emissions?


Barbara Scherllin-Pirscher   Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics

Günther Schauberger   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Martin Piringer   Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics

Christian Mikovits   University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna / University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna

Kathrin Baumann-Stanzer   Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics



Beschreibung (eng)

The emission of ammonia (NH3) is predominantly caused by agriculture, especially by livestock keeping. The health effects of NH3 and the related formation of particulate matter are the reasons for solid efforts to reduce their ambient concentrations. In addition, the impact of global warming on livestock is increasing due to heat stress, likely also increasing NH3 emissions. Therefore, adaptation measures are under discussion to reduce the heat stress of animals inside livestock units. Because of the relationship between temperature increase and NH3 release, the impact of the adaptation measures to cool the indoor air of livestock units (three different energy-saving air preparation systems, an inversion of the feeding and resting times by half a day, a reduction of the stocking density and doubling the maximum volume flow rate) was investigated. The NH3 release was calculated by the following predictors: indoor air temperature; ventilation rate describing the turbulence inside the livestock building; and the diurnal variation caused by the animal activity. These parameters were calculated by a simulation model for the indoor climate of livestock buildings. The monthly mean of the NH3 emission for several adaptation measures, which were applied to reduce heat stress, were compared with the emission of a reference building for 1800 fattening pigs, divided into nine sections with 200 animals each for an all-in-all-out production cycle to calculate the mitigation potential. The higher the cooling power of such adaptation measures, the higher the mitigation potential for NH3. In particular, those adaptation measures which cool the inlet air (e.g., cooling pads reduce the emission by -2%, earth-air heat exchangers by -3.1%) show the best performance to mitigate the NH3 emission of livestock buildings.

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Confined Livestock Buildings; Ambient Air-Pollution; Hydrogen-Sulfide; Odor Emission; Model; Abatement; Climate; Manure; Pig; Nitrogen

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o:605 Publikationen / Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien